DIY Sensory and Consumer Research Toolbox for Craft Brewers

Learn fundamental sensory and consumer research tools for your business to refine your flavors and production methods, ensure quality, develop new products and protect your market position. Get basic, easily applied tools to assess your beer’s flavor and style, and learn how consumers perceive your brand.

Using the same techniques deployed by large multinational corporations, this course shows you how those techniques can be easily adapted for smaller companies. Applications range from optimizing production to developing new styles and flavors to making package decisions. Get robust quality insights and data on which you can base business decisions, and gain an understanding of the benefits you provide to your consumer and how they distinguish you from your competition. The course also includes demonstrations through sensory evaluation of beers and class exercises.

The first day will cover the sensory aspects of products. Learn how to precisely determine your “hook” with consumers, map your signature sensory profile and identify which brewing changes make a big difference. These techniques include product improvement, new product development, qualifying alternate ingredient suppliers, changes in processing techniques, storage shipping conditions, shelf-life determination and quality control.

The second day will focus on understanding your consumer. Find out what they think about your brand or your beer and how to develop and test packaging, new beers, new concepts or communications that hit a sweet spot in the marketplace and resonate with your target consumer.

Instructors will stress the need for best practices in your sensory protocols to ensure that you can make projectable business decisions from small panel procedures. You will also have the chance to discuss your real research issues with professional sensory scientists.

This course is recommended for general managers, marketing managers and any brewmaster who wants to better understand their product’s position in the marketplace.

 Check out the course flier.
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