Indoor Air Quality Management

Quarter Academic Credit

Learn about indoor air quality and related health issues, with emphasis on commercial and institutional buildings. Examine common indoor air quality complaints, including concerns about mold, chemicals, odors and persistent health complaints. Discover green building concepts and how indoor air quality fits with LEED building designs and certifications. Review indoor air quality problems, including:

  • Common indoor air pollutants and their sources
  • How to investigate indoor air quality and building illness complaints
  • Air sampling and analysis for indoor air pollutants
  • Building ventilation and the role it plays in indoor air quality
  • Remedies for indoor air quality complaints
  • Regulations that pertain to indoor air quality 

The complex issues of indoor air quality complaints and concerns will also be addressed. Case studies provide real-life examples of how to recognize and address these critical issues. This course is an elective in the Workplace Health and Safety Certificate Program.

Course Code