HTML and CSS Web Development

Quarter Academic Credit

Programming is a valuable skill to have in any field, especially in up-and-coming computer-based professions. Designed for coding beginners and aspiring front-end and web developers, this course will introduce you to the basics of using HTML and CSS to create websites. Synchronous lectures, guest lectures, individual assignments, and discussion groups will provide an interactive and collaborative learning space. You will learn how to properly mark-up content following industry best practices and how to style content for viewing on screens of various sizes. The emphasis will be on moving simple code from a static environment to the web. You will also explore and practice common processes and workflows in the industry. By the end of this course, you gain a working knowledge of web development practices and complete a portfolio project demonstrating the skills learned in this course.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Properly markup content using semantic HTML tags
  • Format and optimize media for the web
  • Visually style HTML elements on linked external stylesheets
  • Apply a mobile-first approach to creating common layouts for the web
  • Use documentation and follow trends and evolving best practices for HTML and CSS

Skills You’ll Gain:

  • HTML programming
  • CSS programming
  • Web development and design
Course Code